I just got back in from a long walk and tapas in Barcelona. Been feeling a bit bummed out this evening, despite the warm and lovely evening in the city. I've got this weird feeling of having a lot on my mind and nothing on my mind. Yes, confusing. It's probably the full moon.
While taking care of some flight updates and waiting for my flight from Tegel, I was thinking about all of the flying I've done. It's nowhere near as much as what business travelers do everyday but I like tallying up the travel stats. It makes me feel like I'm a jet setter or something.
Anyhow, I have been away from the states for 62 days. Over those two months, I've taken sixteen flights through thirteen countries (airlines include: Lufthansa, British Airways, EasyJet, RyanAir, Sky Europe, Transavia, Swiss Air, Click Air, Fly Niki, Germania, and Air Berlin). I've ridden on trams, buses, the underground metro, or on trains in those countries. I estimate walking around 35 to 50 miles per week. I've stayed in at least sixteen different hostels. I've slept two nights on trains and one in an airport. Yet, I have so far to go before I see you all again. Someone asked me a week ago whether I was homesick. I thought about it and realized that no, I wasn't. The other day I wondered why and I was thinking that maybe I was sick of home. But ever since my birthday came around, I have been missing the states a bit. I talked to a girl tonight who's moving to Los Angeles at the end of the summer. I must say, I miss that city. But what will I do? I had a lot of chats with Julian about filmmaking, life paths, and whatnot. I'm too sleepy to get into it right now and girls in short skirts keep walking through the hostel lounge. Much too distracting. I'm going to get some sleep. I'm only rambling now anyhow.
After a long and toilsome march, weary of the way, [the wanderer] drops into the nearest place of rest to become the most domestic of men... But soon the passive fit has passed away; again a paroxysm of ennui coming on by slow degrees, Viator loses appetite, he walks about his room all night, he yawns at conversations, and a book acts upon him as a narcotic. The man wants to wander, and he must do so, or he shall die.
-Sir Richard Burton, Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah, 1855
Check out Azad's photoblog update. Since I won't be able to make it to Iran, he's been showing us that Life Goes On In Tehran.
Labels: Spain

Julian and I took a long walk around Berlin today. Unfortunately, I got a little upset stomach. Julian suspects the Turkish salami we had for breakfast. Guh. The city was beautiful though with rainbows and amazing light painting the skies. We also stopped for some pizza at Piccola Italia, courtesy of Nik. I napped the rest of the evening and woke up late to try to rearrange some future travel. I've given myself an additional week in Italy and I leave India earlier. After 40 minutes on the phone with United, we still couldn't figure out how I could stay in Greece for a longer time. I'm hoping I can work something out later. There's also some talk of a possible visit to Pakistan but who knows.
For now, I sleep for a few hours.

I was so happy to see my friend Julian when I arrived at the airport in Berlin. There's something so nice about friends unexpectedly meeting you at the airport. Happened to me in Toronto once, too. Ah.
I'm sitting at Julian's place right now having delicious soup and listening to delicious beats. Yes, I feel as awful as I look in that photo.
Labels: Germany

Spent my last day in Moscow touring the Kremlin, seeing the inside of St. Basil's, and walking many kilometers around the city to check out big statues and parks. In the evening I joined a couple of great Irishmen at the hostel for a drink. Had some nice dumplings before heading to a night club called Propaganda. After getting kicked out (I have no idea, I think I was a menace to the dance floor), I danced ballet back to the hostel and called it a night (a rough night).
I'll have to reflect on Moscow another day when things aren't so hazy.
Labels: Russia

I've continued to be incredibly lazy in Moscow. I went out for a potato and sandwich for lunch and came back for a long nap. I was feeling a little miserable so I decided to take some dough my Uncle Binh sent me and have a great Birthday dinner... albeit by myself, sadly.
I decided that some comfort food was in order so I tracked down a Vietnamese restaurant nearby called Viet Cafe. It was a hip little place with large photos of scenery from Vietnam on the walls, a huge fish tank, and waitresses in traditional Vietnamese clothing (though everyone there was Russian).
To start I had a fresh glass of orange juice followed by fried spring rolls. They weren't bad. I actually missed the taste of nuoc cham. Then I had a bowl of Pho Ga (nowhere near as big as the bowls in California) which was pretty tasty. Very thin slices of chicken in a good broth of green onion, red onion, and cilantro. No sprouts and peppers here. Also, no 'rooster sauce' at these tables. For dessert, the waitress suggested a banana cake that wasn't too bad. It had sesame seeds sprinkled on top which I thought was a nice contrast with the sweet syrup and fruit on top. I finished my meal with a cup of Vietnamese coffee (not nearly enough condensed milk in it for my taste). Overall, a fantastic birthday meal.
My mood hadn't really improved all that much on the walk back to the hostel but I found out there's free wifi here so I've been distracted with uploading photos and videos. Everyone's gone to bed early. I'm still considering a hunt for some nightlife but we'll see.
(I didn't take any photos of the restaurant or the meal but above, there's a picture I snapped of the first McDonald's in Russia at Pushkin Square. It's been remodeled since it opened in 1990. It's by far the fanciest fast food place I've ever been to. There were hundreds of people eating there, too. Apparently it's the busiest Mickey D's on Earth, serving 40,000 people per day! How these girls stay so fit here, I don't know.)

Thoughts from Switzerland that I never had the chance to upload...
I didn't think I'd enjoy Zurich as much as I did today. I woke up in a hotel room, all to myself and had a lazy morning while a storm came thundering through the city. I unpacked my back and repacked it. I'm still trying to figure out how to eliminate some of the weight (65lbs./29kg). I think by the time I leave Europe, I'll have lost some of the it in guidebooks and snacks. There's a scale in the bathroom here, if it's correct, I've lost at least 10-15lbs. in body weight since I've left the states. I guess I wasn't imagining it.
In the afternoon I bought a tram ticket and headed to the center of town for a look around. At first I was thinking that it was a nice place, with lots of shopping, but not really much to see. After spending a few hours walking through the streets and having some sweets by the water, Zurich started to charm me. I noticed that everyone seemed to be very easy-going. I felt safe. Quality of life did seem a bit higher here (along with the prices of everything... $8/hr at the Internet cafe?). I walked along the water for a bit and passed by the Corbusier House (which I'd seen a whole exhibit about in Madrid). Suddenly, this peace came over me. I was smiling inside and out. I almost wanted to shout out loud- Life is Good! It was awesome. I'd come so far to feel this way. I just looked at everyone around me with delight. I wanted to stop people in the streets to remind them that it was good to be alive.
Why was it so hard to feel this way before? What could I do to hold on to this feeling (for a bit, I was thinking, beer but I abstained)? Yesterday I had been thinking a lot about the general feeling of happiness I'd been experiencing on my travels. I realized that traveling was non-stop distraction. I always have to be on my toes because everyday is new. A new place or a new person or a new experience. As I rode the tram through Zurich, examining faces on the street and laughing to myself at the stories I imagined they each had, I realized. Life is good for a tourist. I clicked myself down a notch with this realization.
A tourist is just visiting. A tourist is in a place to hunt for the 'best of'. We get to see the greener grass on the other side. We don't have to deal with life in that place. I was reminded of a conversation I had with Alfredo in Havana where I told him how beautiful I thought his city was. He reminded me that I was on vacation and that life is hard for a Cuban in Cuba.
So I'm enjoying my time as a global tourist. I feel extremely fortunate for this opportunity. I'm going to hold on to this perspective and I'm going to use it when the grass back home starts to go brown. Everything has beauty in someone's eyes.
Afterthoughts: When I have these occasions of bliss, I often think, 'You know what would make everything perfect right now? Someone to share this with'. I hope that reading some of this rambling inspires some sort of joy in your day. Take a breath and just be amazed at what's around us, whether it's wondrous or miserable.
Swiss girls. When I first strolled around the city, I didn't notice any substantial percentage of pretty girls. But in my bliss, I realized that they were all working in the shops. All the pretty people have jobs here. By six o'clock though, they start to hit the cafes.
It was interesting to sit in the lobby of the hotel last night. Such a different crowd from a hostel. Businessmen and tourists milling about. Then a pack of people with bicycles in special transport cases. Turns out this weekend is Ironman Switzerland. Today, the hotel was swarming with these triathletes. Nutty.
Labels: Food, Switzerland, Videos

My thoughts on Spain that I couldn't upload because the internet was too expensive in Switzerland...
I've really enjoyed my time in Spain. It's a country living on a different pace, eager to have a good time and to enjoy life. It's rich in history and in a people who support and preserve artwork. And it's just plain pretty. I'll remember the energy of Barcelona the first night I arrived. The peacefulness of San Sebastian by the beach. The busy streets of Madrid where people always seemed to be out in processions for God, for a cause, or for their football team. Sevilla, where getting lost is such a joy you almost don't want to find your destination. Granada, the hideaway in the hills where you find yourself never wanting to leave. Valencia, a seaside city rich in culture and paella! I'm definitely going to have to return. You could spend your life here and never stop discovering incredible things.
Labels: Spain

Yesterday, after recovering from the festival night, I had a nice walk around the city with a couple of locals. We stopped at a cafe and tried to work out what Russians and Americans thought of each other.
I took it easy in the evening until the hostel provided us with snacks and vodka. Oh man. Some of the other hostel peeps were heading over to the Kremlin to see Red Square at night (the sun does not go down here until around midnight and then it rises again, just a few hours later... very different). I decided to roll with them and celebrate number 29 with a view of St. Basil´s, while chucking rubles at a wishing well.
Today, I will look for trouble.
P.S.- To embed or not to embed? If I embed too many YouTube videos in the blog, does it slow down your loading times for this page? I'm thinking it does. But will you then miss the three videos I've uploaded today if they're not embedded for easy viewing right in front of you? Comments, please.

Had a great night attending a screening of the Iranian film, Fireworks Wednesday, with its director, Asghar Farhadi. After hanging out at the film festival party, we went to meet some friends at the Hard Rock Cafe. I´ve said it before and I´ll say it again, Moscow: full of sexy girls. Me: not full of courage.
I ended my night eating McDonalds (´cause it was open) as well as a sandwich and another street potato. (THANKS ANGELA!) So hungry. In fact, I need to eat right now.

My Iranian operative, Azad, was unable to escape Tehran due to Visa complications. So I´m in Moscow. Alone. ::sigh:: But I´ve found the apostrophe key!
Took a walk this morning to find food. I was so hungary I was actually feeling a little spacey. Settled on what I´m calling, street potatoes. Baked potato with three toppings, a panini, and a soda. 112 Rubles (3 bucks?) I think I need a nap. Later, I´ll see about heading to the Red Square.
I´m also searching CouchSurfing.com for some guidance. I´ve got four days here!
Labels: Russia

Okay, first, I saw the most amazing woman ever on my flight. Problem was, she was the flight attendant. Forget 10-minute crush, I was in dream for over an hour. I think she is German (I cannot find the apostrophe on this keyboard by the way). She had fine, golden hair that was pulled back in a pony-tail. The most attractive thing about her was her smile and happy demeanor. Everything about that smile felt so genuine. She had dimples, too. Oh my God. After a half hour of staring at her, she had already been introduced to my mother and I was trying to figure out what kind of wedding band we should have. Seriously. I was under her spell and she had no clue. I am sure she noticed me smiling like a complete idiot right back at her as she handed me sandwiches and water. Even when I left the plane, I could not help but to smile at her and take one last drink of her warmth.
So that was the flight. Then I got to DME airport in Russia. As soon as I got my bag and headed out of customs, a taxi driver followed me around trying to convince me that I should take his ride. There are signs all over the airport that say that you should not take private taxis. I had planned to take the train anyhow. The plan was, shoot over to the hostel, check in, and try to meet the director of a film at the festival so I could catch a movie.
I just missed the train though and had to wait an hour for the next. It is wild navigating around Russia with all of the Cyrillic writing. Outside of the airport, the Roman alphabet pretty much disappears. Fortunately, a woman at the taxi counter kind of mapped out my metro trip for me. I hopped a few trains before arriving to what I thought was the statue of Gogol that is near my hostel. I walked around for over an hour, clueless to where the street was that I was looking for. Everyone I asked was clueless as well. A taxi driver pointed in one direction so I proceeded to head that way, asking people over and over if they knew where, Maly Afanasyevskiy was. At last, three hours after I landed, I found it. Turns out, I had the wrong metro exit. Why I did not look to see if the statue I first saw was Gogol, I do not know.
Shirt drenched in sweat, I checked into the HM Hostel and laid down my stuff. I sprinted down the street to try to catch Mr. Farhadhi but I was an hour late. I hung around the theater for a few hours, hoping to catch him on the way out but no luck. I did do loads of people watching on the Novy Arbat. What I have decided is that Moscow has the highest concentration of pretty girls of any city I have visited. I am going to wash up and sleep now. Tomorrow, I will try to see Red Square. Oh, and find an English menu somewhere.
Labels: Russia
Labels: Switzerland

This kezboard is crayz. I'm safe in Zurich. Just wandering the city and catching up on a long clean shower in my friend's hotel. May not be able to blog for a while. Net too expensive in Switzerland and Russia I think.
Cool news, my film Missing Pieces, featuring a track by Ingrid Michaelson, is featured on the front page of IFC's Media Lab, check it out medialab.ifc.com
Also, Not for Woman is up over 1,300,000 views on YouTube, the comments crack me up almost as much as the comments here.
Labels: Switzerland

Hola. Dark hair pulled back, loose wisps dancing in the breeze. Long, alluring lashes. Crimson lips. Look her right in the eye. You got it. She sees you. Don't look away, she thinks she's caught you. Tell her everything with your gaze. Let your eyes convince her that you could make her feel again. Keep looking. You're not staring, you're letting her know that there's safety in your arms. A few seconds feel like hours. Hold steady. She knows how you want her. But she can't handle it, she looks away.
On to the next.
Labels: Spain

I took a walk along the beach today. I had enough sun on my hike so no lying around for me. I came across this restaurant right on the sand called O Pollo. Thanks to Donovan, Joanna, and Taro of the UC Berkeley Device Group, I had me a nice dinner of gazpacho, fries, 1/2 Chicken, bread, and beverage. Hope you guys are discovering some amazing things to benefit this amazing planet. Send me some of them wafers... I need dessert.

After a sweaty trek to the new hostel on the beach (I really need to burn half of my luggage) I had a sweaty hike to Gaudi's Sagrada Familia Cathedral. It was pretty cool to see a cathedral in the middle of construction. One artist's vision still being brought to fruition even after his death. If they come close to finishing it in my lifetime, I may have to come back for another visit. From there, I took another sweaty hike to see the exterior of Casa Mila La Pedrera (couldn't convince myself to drop 8 Euros to see the roof which is supposed to be interesting) on my way to Park Guell. That was quite a sight. The entrance was like Gaudi Disneyland. Mosaics, funny fountains, columns and curves. It's 15 acres of Gaudi's design for a private park (now public). If I was wearing shorts, packing sandwiches, and holding hands with a Spanish girl, it would have been lovely. Instead, I walked around for a bit, peeked in Gaudi's house, and continued to sweat the long way back to the metro. I did pick up a huge bottle of horchata. Mmm. Though I just realized that in Spain, it's made with Chufa or tigernuts, a recipe stemming from the Muslim occupation of Valencia.
By then, I had enough of my Gaudi walking tour and headed to the hostel for a shower and a nap. Pretty nice day. (hey, you guys do realize that you can click these little photos and make 'em bigger right?)
Labels: Spain

Can you find my extra Missing Pieces and Love Blind DVDs? They should be in one of the boxes by the window. Probably one of the boxes on the left. The Missing Pieces DVD has a photo of me on it. Love Blind is in a plastic, see-thru envelope with the eyes of a ghost on it. If you can, send a copy of each to Anthonette and send a copy of each to the London address. I'll call you about that one if Charley hasn't given you the address. Global priority shipping should be cheap.
Sorry folks... time zones... couldn't call my mum at 1am. I'm trying to get some film ideas brewing. In the meantime, I'm still shopping around my past work. I keep handing out my card that says "filmmaker" but I haven't been making any. Feels weird. I'm thinking about making different cards for Anthonette to bring to me in Rome.
Did I ever mention how I left my big backpack in Barcelona while I traveled the rest of Spain? This bag had two items I missed- Tylenol and nail clippers. My nails grew really uncomfortably long. You'd never imagine being so pleased to trim your nails but I was. Typing feels less abrasive now.
I just read an article on Yahoo that says Moscow is ranked as the most expensive city in the world again. Super. I'll be using FeedTony sponsors heavily me thinks.
I was discussing FeedTony with my brother and he thinks that it may be giving people the impression that I've been living lavishly. The truth is, I don't really post about the less than fabulous meals I eat regularly. In Spain, I've been eating a lot of tortillas which is a potato and egg type omelet thing. You can find them all over the place and they're very difficult to make badly so it's pretty consistently tasty and filling.
While I travel, I find some sort of cheap item that I subsist on (Subway sandwich in Ireland, paninos in France, beer in Barcelona...) and I splurge on a nice meal if I can find one, it's not always easy. FeedTony makes me feel a bit guilty sometimes but as long as the donor and the donee are happy, why not right? While I'm at it, let me just say thanks to those of you who've been helping me out so I can have more options while I travel. It's nice to have breathing room in the budget for cheap flights I find on AirNinja.com.
I'm switching hostels right now and moving over to the SeaPoint by the beach. Today, if it doesn't rain again, I'm hoping to tour a bunch of Antoni Gaudi sites around Barcelona. Maybe I'll even snap some photos.
Here's some google mapping that I've been messing around with on Wayfaring.com: Round the World
Labels: Spain

I noticed something the other day. I've grown increasingly more comfortable being by myself. I think I reached a point where I realized that I am severely on my own. I come to a city and I never know whether I'll meet anyone, I never know who I'll 'click' with and want to meet.
Entering my eighth week of travel, I've finally become comfortable with myself.
== Heh, I had to stop writing this blog about solitude because I started to talk to some people in the hostel about their European travels... go figure. Continue this thought later==
Chatting with Azad, I was thinking: "I hope I can give back to the world as much as it's given me." I think that would be extraordinary.
Labels: Spain

Back in the US... Back in the USSR! That's right, exciting news. I returned to Barcelona this morning, rushed over to the Russian consulate, and there it was waiting for me- A Russian Visa!
Wednesday, I head to Zurich, Switzerland to meet up with a friend I met in Poland. He's graciously offered up a spare bed in the Crowne Plaza. It will be soooo nice to stay in a real hotel with clean towels and free toiletries. Then I'm off to Moscow on Friday! I'm meeting up with Azad who's visiting Russia for a film festival. Perhaps I'll get to see some more films. We'll be celebrating my 29th birthday in Moscow! How wild is that?
Next Wednesday, I'll then fly to Berlin to meet up with another film genius friend, Julian. I'll spend a couple of nights there before returning to Barcelona again on June 29. Finally, it's off to Rome.
Crazy dude!
Labels: Russia

First of all, I can't tell you how gleeful I've been reading all of these comments. It's exciting. I wish my own writing could match the passion and eloquence that of my AMAZING friends and family. Thank you guys, you make this exciting day even better.
I have to tell you quickly about my last day in Valencia and how everything went from a bit blah to non-stop smiles. Let's see. I think I caught up on rest and travel bookings in the afternoon before I went off to attend the Cinema Jove International Film Festival. I didn't have anything screening there myself but I thought it'd be great to check out their short film program and support my fellow filmmakers.
I ended up watching two shorts programs at the Edificio Rialto down the street from my hostel. Great films. My favorites were LA LECON DE GUITRARE (The Guitar Lesson) by Martin Rit, France. A charming film about a guy finding passion. I watched a kind of funny one that made me think of my friend Dan Lee. Dan, look into AVERY'S GNOME by John Driftmier, Canada. It's shot like it was done in the eighties or something and has some fun gnome puppetry.
The second program was filled with gems. KONIEC LATA (The End of Summer) was a nice Polish film by Karolina Bielawska but what it really did was make me reminisce about a film Kirk Diaz worked on back in the day called Summer's End. Never finished but played a part in keeping us creative. HERFRA TIL MANEN (To the Moon) by Katja Eyde Jacobsen, Norway was a moving short about two young brothers getting into trouble in the middle of a snowy nowhere. Familial bonds always get my heart swelling. The Spanish film by Jose Manuel Carrasco, PADAM, was exceptional. A nice balance of humor, heart, and social consciousness with a dating service as the premise. Genius. SECURITY was a great German short by Lars Henning that also wowed me with its simplicity and irony. And finally, THREE TOWERS by Emily Harris and Yoni Bentovim was a different perspective on 9/11. It made me remember how much sympathy the world had for the US after the World Trade Center was destroyed. It kills me that in just a few short years, sympathy has turned into hatred. Which leads me to the rest of the evening...
Back at the hostel I met a few American chemical engineers who were traveling in Spain together. They invited me to join them for dinner so I suggested a paella at El Rall since I hadn't had one yet (I tried the night before but there was a two person minimum for paella there...argh). It was delicious. Freshly made and full of seafood. I was having such a great time, I passed the bill on to my friend MB (You rock!) to make it perfect.
With an awesome meal in our stomachs, we were ready to continue the fun, except we ran into this tall dude who asked us, "Americans?" We said yes, expecting some sort of pleasant exchange. Instead he started ripping into us. He called us despicable. He said he was Irish and muttered something about Guantanamo. We were all a bit stunned. Unfortunately, we were all walking down the same alley so we were essentially following him. He kept muttering hateful things and every now and then he'd pull some change out of his pocket and toss it at us. Chucking a 5-cent euro he shouted, "This is for your President!" A few steps later another 5-cent piece falls at my feet, "This is for your vice-president!" He reaches into his pocket again. This time a 10-cent coin rolls under a car. "This is for your human rights!" We didn't know how to respond. He was obviously drunk and we weren't about to provoke him. Finally, he reaches in one more time and grunts as he flings a 2-Euro piece at us. I picked that one up since he didn't indicate who or what that one was for.
Complete buzz kill. For the rest of the evening we agreed that we were from Canadian (except for Oscar who's from Columbia). We kept walking around a bit and ended up watching some football fans raving by a fountain (similar to the scene in Madrid a week back) before having some drinks and telling stories late into the night.
By 4am I had to be up to catch a train. It was surely a memorable evening.

First day in Valencia was a bit of a drag. Starting off the day hungry and exhausted didn't make things easy. It's a nice city architecturally. There's a very 'seaside' feel to parts of it. I spent most of my day popping into Horchaterias for a soothing cold rice drink while I tried to think about responding to these gnarly commments. By the end of the day, I realized that all of this anonymous posting makes it sort of pointless to respond. I never really know who I'm talking to or who's posing as who. In this sort of flame war, people start getting silly, attacking each other's grammar. (Above, I was even trying to figure out whether I was supposed to use "whom" somewhere... but I can't be bothered right now to review my English skills when I'm desperately trying to figure out how to order food properly in Spanish)
So the beginning of the day, worn out and moody from hunger, I kept thinking of ways to explain my trip again but I've already done that. Then I wanted to discuss my thoughts about the future since some mystery dude from my old college dorm seems to lose sleep over it. I'll get into it a bit since I seem to be in the rambling mood.
I started this trip with a life savings and zero debt. When I end this trip, I will most likely have some debt. Face it, it's the American way, baby. But I think of this debt as a college loan. I'm gaining knowledge and experience from this trip that I haven't even realized yet. I get excited some days while I'm lost in a foreign city because at some point, I will unlearn what I've learned so to speak.
When I return to the states, I believe I have options. I will deal with my debt as I've dealt with it before. Work. Simple as that. What I will do, I have no idea. You see, I am scheduled to return in 2008. I have absolutely no idea where my life will lead me.
==at this point the other half of this blog was lost due to connection problems==
The missing part of this blog really got into some dark area so maybe it wasn´t meant to be shared. The gist of it was that I had at one point, just over a year ago, wanted to conform to what society dictated was the ´right´ path. I watched as friends got the better jobs, a spouse, and a dog in the yard. I envied it. I decided that´s what I wanted too and I was never so excited in my life to finally know what I wanted. But the powers above said it wasn´t meant to be. And I was crushed. Crushed to the point where I didn´t think life was worth continuing.
Thank goodness my passion was reignited because since then, I´ve seen Honolulu, Boston, Chicago, Toronto, Paris, London, Cologne, Havana, Dublin, Edinburgh, Krakow, Prague, Amsterdam, and currently, Spain! This is the dream coming true. I´m livin´ it man! I am truly blessed. It´s an amazing planet on which we live. Don´t forget that. We all have some part to play in it. It´s overwhelming. I´m overwhelmed. This is my time to get a grasp of some of it.
I´m sorry for rambling so much but I carry this in my head all day and it weighs on my shoulders. I hope that this can still be a safe place to unload some of it.
Labels: Spain

It was a bit sad to leave Granada. There was such a nice vibe there and the Rambutan Guesthouse was a peaceful place to just sit and reflect. It was another great city to get lost in, weaving through centuries old cobble-stoned streets.
I slept uncomfortably on the night train to Valencia. I made it here at 5am which was much too early to check into my hostel. I killed five hours walking around town. The sun was coming up and the street lights shut down as I rested my feet on random park benches. I would have slept in a park if there weren´t so many mosquitos hungry for me. I found my way to the beach but wished that the lounge chairs weren´t locked up. I actually fell asleep sitting with my head on my knees. I woke up and saw a Spanish lady staring at me, amused. I also kept seeing dudes who looked like they had finished a night of partying and decided to jump into the water nude.
After a sleepy metro ride back to the hostel, I slept in their common room for two hours in such a twisted position my internal organs feel like they´ve shifted.
I´ve just hopped on to the internet and I´ve been reading the comments section. I thought things were going to quiet down but everyone seems so passionate. I have to thank my friends and family for their kind words and thoughts. I got a little teary eyed here. I think food is in order to get my head back on straight. I spotted a horchata joint down the street. I think I´ll have a glass and mull over some of these things.

Visited La Alhambra this morning. Pretty amazing. I'm finding that I'm on some sort of palace and garden kick lately. I wandered around alone so I got the audio tour to figure out what I was actually looking at. Below is a YouTube video to give you a taste of what my days are like, visiting cultural sites. Not terribly exciting but beats workin´ in my office. Tonight, I'm hopping a night train to Valencia. Tomorrow, paella. ::drool::
Happy Birthday Manash, and Thanks!
8 Comments Published by Tony on Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 10:00 AM.

Manash, I hope you are in great spirits. I wish I could be back by the pool, celebrating our birthdays right now. I did think of you last night as I dined at Meson Cinco Jotas in Sevilla with the lovely Amanda. It was the best meal I´ve had in Spain so far. Delicious cuts of Iberian ham. Tender, full of juicy flavor. Served with a side of potatoes, peppers, and carmelized onions. Amanda had a yummy stew of pork and cauliflower. And as you requested, a bottle of red wine and a big smile. We stopped by Pando Restaurantes for coffee and talked the night away. Take care boss. Another year wiser...

After a wonderful evening in Sevilla, I sort of reluctantly hopped a train to Granada. After a sweaty hike up a hill, I found myself at a cozy hostel with an amazing view of the Alhambra. I´m hoping to check that out tomorrow but tonight, I will seek out music, tapas, and people.
Labels: Spain
How I Conquered Sevilla, Thanks Gia & Bill!
0 Comments Published by Tony on Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 7:49 AM.

Gia, Bill, I hope you are doing well. I got a little lost in Sevilla yesterday, which I've been doing just about everytime I go out here, and decided to stop into a little restaurant for a Tortilla Sevilla which is basically a potato omelet type thing. I ordered a bowl of gazpacho (cold tomato based soup) to start. I didn't imagine it was going to be such a big bowl. And then my combo plate came out. The tortilla was large but it also came with a side of other potatoes smothered in sauces as well as a breaded chicken Viceroy. An insane amount of food. Half way through it I thought about asking for a box but I knew that wasn't going to go well with the bar man who didn't seem to speak English. So I plowed on through it.
I kept thinking that this was going to fuel my walk to the cathedral (I made it today, see below) but what it did was put me into a well deserved siesta the rest of the afternoon. Thanks again for contributing to FeedTony.com I'll see you in Vegas next year!

Hey Pranee, you workin' yet? Miss you and miss SD. For lunch in Madrid a few days ago, I stopped by a cafe called Faborit and had a tasty tuna and egg sandwich with a fresh squeezed Orange/Lemon juice. They had free Wifi which was outstanding as I always seem to be in the need of a good connection. After my art stroll through the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, I went to El Brilliante for a calamari sandwich and a horchata. I was totally craving horchata. I stood at the bar and munched while watching these two old men race back and forth making coffee and pouring drinks.
It was a little out of place to take photos of my food so here's a photo of my new haircut. It's funny, just about every time I've gone to get a haircut (in the States as well as uh, Spain) the person comments "so much hair!" This woman, who somehow figured out that I wanted a number 2 on the sides and short on top, was snipping away furiously and said, "Mucho pele!" I laughed out loud. Anyway, thanks for feeding me PY!

Shari and SCOTT are the ones to thank for feeding me with a Pizza de Lux (thin crust pizza with mushroom, iberian ham, and fresh basil) and a bowl of cheddar croquetas. It was a large meal that took me an hour to finish but I had lots of time to think about dreams before I went down to the Prado museum to see some amazing art including Diego Velazquez' "Las Meninas", which many people say is possibly the best painting in the Western world.
...sorry Scott...

(Thanks cous) I think I'm going to stick around Spain and head to Granada and on to Valencia (also a coast city) before heading back to Barcelona.
I've been taking it very easy in Sevilla. After a nice long walk, getting lost around some amazing streets, I went with some people from the hostel to the very touristy but free La Carboneria to listen to some Flamenco (the place was jam packed with college girls). It was a decent show. My new friend from Rio, Andre, and I wandered the streets late at night trying to hunt down food. On a Monday night after midnight it's not so easy. We settled on buying salami and a baguette to make sandwiches.
I noticed I've developed bags under my eyes again. So after an outrageously large lunch (Thanks Gia and Bill!), I just napped the rest of my afternoon away. Time to head out.
Why are these YouTube videos not working?
Labels: Spain

They say the best way to explore this city is to just get lost. What a place to get lost. Cool little streets that lead to cool buildings and lush parks. The light today...incredible. Prettiest place in Spain so far, by far. I smiled a lot today, just walkin' along.
YouTube Greeting

The other day I was thinking a lot about dreams as I sat and had lunch at VIPS in Madrid. First, there was the dream I'd had at night. I had returned to the States and for some reason I was showing my brother an RV that I had apparently bought before going on my round the world trip. I think I'd bought it to do a cross-country trip. I was telling my brother that I'd probably sell it now that I was in heavy debt from the world trip. Plus, it hadn't even been used. The sewage tank was still clean. I even had to remind him not to take a dump in the bathroom. And then my brother's wife came in to inspect the RV. Seems that she was some sort of police officer. She asked me for the dimensions of the vehicle. Odd. That's the kind of dream I have when revellers are screaming out on the street in the middle of the night.
Then there are my life dreams. I realized that I've been pretty successful at making some major dreams come true in my life. Working for Disney. Traveling to foreign countries. The thing is, the timing's always seemed to be off and dreams in reality are too tied to reality to resemble the experience you imagined in your head years prior. Years. It takes time for things to come into fruition. I never know when opportunities will arise and I never know when I'll be moved enough to seize them. But I'm a patient young man.
And of course, there are my countless daydreams. I don't know how else I'd get through the day without them daydreams.
I'm in Sevilla now. Kinda sleepy. Soon I'll go hunting for food and go get lost in the city. Tonight, me and some hostel mates will catch some Flamenco dancing. Brilliant.
Labels: Spain

On the way to the Spanish Royal Palace yesterday, I ran into a pack of boisterous naked people bike riding down the street. I've seen more nudity in Spain in one week than I have in one year in the States (not including in the movies and Lindsey Lohan photos). I'm not sure why they were naked or what they were supporting. I was just disappointed that there were more men than women. [I've since found out that it was World Naked Bike Ride Day to support bike riding instead of driving. They were also trying to make people aware of the dangers in Madrid for bicyclists due to the lack of bike lanes]
The palace was nice. I'm finding that old palaces and castles really get my imagination going. I start to imagine all of the royal functions and 'basic' life that went on in these fanciful structures over history. Palaces are the only places where certain types of furniture look elegant and grand (though not so comfortable). In the States, similar pieces just look gaudy and out of place.
I made it to the Reina Sofia Museum to see Picasso's Guernica, some nice Dali pieces, and a bunch of modern art that I didn't understand. In the newer wing, there was a great exhibition of kinetic art pieces that were entertaining.
The evening started out quiet. Although I do like the vibe and life in Madrid, it just hasn't pulled me in. I haven't met anyone to show me the nightlife. (Though I met more cute French-Canadians... unfortunately they were on their way out) Just walking the streets, I admired the verve of the Spanish people... I guess Europeans in general. They've got this great environment and the infrastructure to be social. I feel like it's too easy to stay cooped up in the States. Here, you jump on a train, show up to these historic plazas, meet your friends, and choose from a hundred places to hang out.
It's not so bad being alone. I've been trying to let the environment feed my imagination. Slowly, scenarios start to form in my brain. It's encouraging. I'm thinking story structure will follow.
On my way back to the hostel I exited the Banco de Espana metro station and found a raucous crowd of Real Madrid fans gathered at the Plaza de Cibeles. They waved flags and cheered and shouted at passing cars which honked the same eight beats in response. I'm not quite sure what was going on or why Plaza de Cibeles was the gathering place but I'm glad they weren't naked.
Labels: Spain
I´ve also been eating up FeedTony.com contributions right and left. Thank you´s will be going out to Pranee, Shari, and John as soon as I can get my multimedia magic up. Last night I stayed in a MUCH better hostel called Huespuedes Bahia Madrid. Juan runs the joint and gave me a private room. I realized that I haven´t had a private room since maybe Colchester. You don´t really think about how nice it is to have your own space until you´ve been without your own space for weeks. No creeping in ninja-like as to not wake the girl in the bunk above you. No having to dress somewhere else as to hide your hairiness from the girl in the bunk across from you. No having to wear clothes when you sleep at night. Okay, I didn´t sleep nude but you get the picture. You didn´t really picture that did you?
What day is it anyway? (Can you believe this is my 104th blog?) Okay, I´m just rambling now so maybe I´ll head to the train station.
Labels: Spain
I've just uploaded some snapshots of San Sebastian and the Bullfight in Madrid to the imisstony Picasa Gallery.
Labels: Spain

Had a weird train ride this afternoon. I was reading a New Yorker article about Paul McCartney and the Beatles. I´m always in awe of talented artists. I started to think about how I fantasize a little too much about being some amazing artist. Perhaps that´s part of the reason for wandering the planet for inspiration. I started to lament about what I´m actually good at in life. I´m proud of the work I´ve done but I don´t know if I will be able to reach the heights of greatness of those I admire. So much turmoil for a quiet train ride through the countryside. I think food and sleep deprivation was making me moody.
I made it to Madrid and checked into one of the worst hostels yet, Huespedes Amanda II. At least it´s near the art museums I´ll be checking out tomorrow. I went over to the Plaza de Toros thinking maybe I could score a ticket to a bullfight this weekend. I ended up grabbing a cheap ticket for a fight this afternoon. I know this will upset some people but it was a cultural experience I had to see for myself. Since I kind of spontaneously ended up going, I didn´t have time to research what would happen there. It seemed pretty pointless and cruel. I would have regretted going if I hadn´t met this super cute Brazilian girl with very pretty green eyes. By the sixth killing of a bull, I was a bit desensitized to the whole thing.
Wiki's Bullfighting Article
Speaking of beautiful girls, I saw a ridiculously beautiful Spanish girl on the metro on the way to the fight. Unfortunately, she got off a few stops before me. Twas not meant to be.
Haven´t really met anyone in Madrid yet to check out the nightlife that came so highly recommended. So I´m going to rest up and do some gallery hopping tomorrow. Picasso´s Guernica is supposed to be incredible.

San Sebastian, a beautiful little seaside city in Northern Spain. It´s been a nice time. I regret not being able to make it out to Bilbao to see another Gehry building in person (and the art inside it) but on a trip like this, things will be missed.
Had the second worse meal in Spain tonight. Had no idea what I was ordering but what arrived was basically french fries, bow tie pasta with tomato sauce comparable to Chef Boyardee, three hot dogs, and two strips of bacon. I immediately thought of my old Filipino roommate, Tristan, for some reason. The meal served its purpose though, filled me up. But it was too weird and unsatisfying to charge to my feedtony.com account.
P.S.- Hahaha, I posted that photo on the ´large´ setting by mistake. Maybe it´s a sign. By the way, they actually installed an antenna in his finger and on his back that you can´t see in this photo. No respect I tell ya.
I´m heading to bed a bit early tonight (midnight) and hopping an early train to Madrid tomorrow. Three nights there and on to Sevilla. I´m searching for a good paella in this country, if you have any tips, comment me.
Labels: Spain

My new friends from the Ongi Etorri hostel and I went to snack on pintxos at the different bars in parte vieja. You walk into these places and the bar is lined up with plates of different finger foods, hot and cold. I tried peppers stuffed with crab, seafood salads topped with salmon, cheese balls, tortillas (sort of a potato omelet), and grilled lamb kebabs. It's a fun way to try different sorts of dishes and visit a lot of bars with different vibes and crowds.
Thank you Holly, for making it easier on my wallet. Hop on a plane, let's go check out some art in Bilbao!

Had a pretty full day in San Sebastian on Wednesday. I joined my roommates at the hostel, Cal, Hugh, & Maile, for a walk up Monte Urgull to see this big statue of Christ and the Castillo de la Mota. We took in some amazing views of the city and bay.
I joined Cal and Maile for some lounging on Playa de la Zurrida. We found out immediately that people have no problems with going topless on the beach in Spain (unfortunately, old men have no problems going bottomless either... eesh). I spent a couple of hours out there admiring the 'scenery' and checking out the surfers fighting for waves. After getting pretty cooked out there without sunscreen (I will never learn) I took off on my own to walk over to the big beaches on the other side of parte vieja. Playa de la Concha and Playa de Ondarreta, were nice enough but the crowds were progressively older and less topless.
Labels: Spain

I'm staying in a nice hostel called Ongi Etorri, in the Parte Vieja section of San Sebastian. Parte vieja must mean 'party all night' because things don't really get going 'til late around here. People fill little bars eating pintxos (tapas of seafood, cured meats, small sandwiches, etc.) and drinking kenyas of beer. They socialize with friends and move on to the next place. People of all ages, eating and laughing. It was a nice energy. Though, the first night here, I found it much too foreign and intimidating. I still can't figure out why I'm so afraid to go into a place and eat. I don't speak their language. They may not speak mine. But we're both there for a purpose- them to sell me food, me to eat it. Somehow, we're going to figure out how to meet each other's objectives. Though I may end up with a stomach full of, well, deer stomach but I'll have learned something.
I went to the Plaza de Gipuzkoa to sit and think for a while about conquering my biggest fear: People. I have to figure out what makes me such a spaz sometimes.
Labels: Spain

Not sure how I made it to the top bunk, but thank goodness I did.
Charley, you send that DVD? Current never got it. Very important. Email me.
As for the rest of you, have fun in the comments section. I need more sleep.
Labels: Spain

Took a long train ride through the Spanish countryside and arrived safely in San Sebastian. It´s 10pm and I have some exploring to do. Free internet at the hostel. Hopefully I´ll take some new photos for ya.
Labels: Spain

I've spent the last few hours in the hostel doing travel planning for the next few weeks. I'm going to hop a train to San Sebastian tomorrow morning for a few days. Then I think I'll make my way to Madrid and Seville. But as always, everything's up in the air. A note to anyone planning to find me in Europe, I will now be heading to Rome on June 30. I'll probably slide my other arrival dates in Greece and India by a week. Stay tuned.
Labels: Spain

Mornin'. Okay, it's actually 6pm in Spain but I've totally lost track. I woke up early this morning to hike out to a consulate in Barcelona. It was a very confusing experience where I was trying to complete a transaction where two languages were spoken, neither of which I knew a lick of. But paperwork and money exchanged hands and in two weeks, I may take a little birthday detour somewhere unexpected.
Back at the hostel, I met a Canadian named Katrina who was telling me about her trek through the Greek isles. We took a walk down La Rambla and had the worst meal of both of our journeys. It wasn't bad as in sickening, just bad as in "we paid how much for this? But the people watching, attempted theft**, and ridiculously large mug of 'juice' made it enjoyable.
I haven't done too much exploring in Barcelona so far. I've basically stuck around the big street that leads to the ocean called La Rambla. Full of tourists. But very beautiful ones at that. I wasn't sure if I would find a place with cuter girls than Paris but alas, Barcelona has provided. The tourists, the locals... my goodness, heaven.
For the second time on my trio I've encountered a pair of girls who look like want-a-be models and insist on having model-like photo shoots in front of old buildings and things. I'm not complaining. It's just odd. I actually wonder if they are models and this is how models go on holiday, non-stop posing in different cities.
I'm only booked in this hostel, the Centric Point which a fantastic hostel by the way, until tomorrow morning. So I either have to figure out where to stay tomorrow night or figure out how to move on to San Sebastian (I have to fly out of Barcelona so I'm thinking that I will see some other cities in Spain first and spend more time exploring Barcelona when I come back for my next flight). There's so much of Spain to see and I clearly haven't given myself enough time here. If I had the money, I'd spend a few months here and probably come home with a wife. Maybe it's a good thing to keep moving along.
Did I mention all of the trouble I've had with plastic lately? I thought I had lost my Visa card today. (Reception had forgotten to give it to me in all of the check-in commotion) It didn't worry me so much but when you have no mailing address. These things are an unnecessary inconvenience. Let's see. 6:30pm... Barcelona. What to do? Let's go see what the beach looks like.
**So we were sitting at the Brazil cafe on La Rambla when our waiter started yelling at this woman to leave. She was sitting on a potted plant next to our table. We didn't know what was going on until he walked over and told my friend to pick her backpack up and place it on the chair. The woman denied that she was going to steal the backpack and the waiter caused a bit of a commotion but it was clear that she was only sitting there to swipe the bag. I wondered if we'd have even noticed. The waiter apologized for the shouting and told us that he sees it all of the time. We thanked him for lookin' out. As you walk around town, you notice a lot of people wear their backpacks in front of them. I guess the pickpocketing is pretty rampant here. Fortunately, there's nothing in my pockets to take. Even if you reach in real deep, you probably won't find anything. ::sad face:: j/k kids.
Labels: Spain

I am here. It is great. Love the vibe of this city. Huge line of people waiting to use the Internet behind me. Gotta run.
Labels: Spain

Nothing too crazy tonight. Just a walk and some people watching after dinner. Ran into some strange creatures (pictured). Crossed the Pont des Arts, where crowds of young people plant themselves in the evening, have a picnic, or pass the bottle. I love cities where young people gather by the water. I feel like I never see a cool places in the states where people congregate at night in a safe and spirited environment. Though I guess I've never lived near a river or an ocean front.
I was thinking about that position I mentioned earlier where one person steps aside while the other 'deals' with someone. I notice this happens when you're with a friend and they run into someone that they know on the street that you don't know. So you sort of step aside. Eventually you're introduced before going your separate ways. Or you aren't introduced and you do that awkward nod goodbye and then your friend explains how he and that person used to work at the library together in college or something. Anyway, yeah. What was I talking about? Oh, Paris. Yes, beautiful city. I'm definitely going to have to come back and see more of it. Next time I'm coming back with money... and a date.
Speaking of money, I didn't realize that my ATM card expired in June. Turns out Washington Mutual will not send me a replacement internationally. Fortunately I'm also carrying an ATM card for my business account and they transferred some money into it. I love it when my "plan B's" successfully go into action.
Tomorrow night, Barcelona, Spain.
Labels: France

What a beautiful day in Paris. It was one of those rare days when I just felt so content with life. I had music in my ears (those headphones that come with Ipods suck by the way) sunshine on my shoulders, a nice lunch of smoked salmon salad in my belly (thanks to Val's dad), and a spring in my step. I was on my way to the Musee d'Orsay which has an amazing collection of Impressionist artwork.
I walked over to the Eiffel Tower nearby because I had read on Yahoo that there was a temporary pool built under it to promote scuba diving. It sounded so random I had to take a look. Plus, weaving through the crowds around the tower always makes for good people watching. I didn't realize it was going to be so warm and I wished I wasn't wearing my sweater. I rolled up my sleeves and wished I could take a scuba lesson to cool off a bit.
As I made my way along the river Seine, in awe of how incredible life could be sometimes, I noticed a jogger talking to some guy near an intersection. The jogger looked a bit confused and after a moment continued on his sweaty way. A few moments later, I found myself standing next to the guy from earlier. While I was tapping my foot on the curb to the music and gazing at the golden statues that flank the pont Alexandre, the guy bent down in front of me and pretended to pick up a gold ring. He looked at me and gestured that I must have dropped it. I told him that it wasn't mine. He offered it to me and said something. I had to pull out of my music trance and take off my headphones to see what the guy wanted. He slipped the ring on each of his fingers showing that it didn't fit and then offered it to me again. I started to realize that this was some sort of scam, remembering the confusion on the joggers face. I told him, "It's not mine." He offered it again. "Keep it." I responded. Finally, he gave up and moved on. I went back to listening to my beats and crossed the street just as a gorgeous Parisian girl in a striped shirt came around the corner, walking her dog with a friend. I stopped to take notes in my Moleskine about the ring scam guy as my imagination was now running wild with short film ideas about a cursed ring that a gypsy could not get rid of. This was also a strategic move to get the striped shirt girl in front of me. A few moments later, I noticed the ring guy sitting on a bench with a friend of his. They looked tired.
A block later I noticed a woman talking to a tourist girl about a gold ring she was holding. The tourist girl had a friend who stood about ten feet away watching the whole thing go down. As the woman seemed to plead with the tourist girl, my imagination was saying "don't take the curs-ed ring!" So when I reached her friend I said very quickly "Keep walking. Keep walking." The friend heeded the advice and beckoned the tourist girl away.
I googled the lost gold ring scam a bit and apparently it's very popular in European cities. Scenarios vary. You accept the ring from the person who claims that it does not fit, they're divorced, or they can't take it for religious reasons. They may also say that they cannot sell it or take it to the police because they don't have "papers". After you take the ring, they ask you for a few euros for lunch. Sometimes they walk away and sometimes they claim that your offer is not enough and they take the ring back (along with your euros). In other cases I've read, the whole transaction is used to distract you while the person's partner pickpockets you.
If I wasn't in such of a happy little groove, enjoying my alone time, I would have asked the tourist girl what the woman said to her. I did start thinking about the tourists' body positioning and I realized it was common. Here's what I mean: If you're walking with a friend in a strange place and you're stopped by a solicitor, a beggar, or some rico suave, often you'll keep walking a few steps ahead of your friend as they deal with the 'trouble'. So imagine Valentina is stopped by a guy selling some tour. She politely stops to hear the sales pitch but I would keep walking a few feet ahead to convey that I'm not interested buddy. This places me in a position where I can keep an eye on her so that we're both not distracted by the pitch and therefore vulnerable to pickpockets and the whatnot. This also places me in the role of the "impatient travel partner" who can assist in pulling the friend away if he/she needs an out from the high-pressure pitch. It's brilliant and I swear a lot of us do it as if it was second nature. Anyhow, I digress.
I continued on along Orsay and caught up with the striped shirt cutie, following her until I got to the museum. I spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the Musee d'Orsay. If you'd like to go for a walk with me in Paris through photos, hit up the gallery.
Labels: France
# Anonymous May 30, 2007 1:26 PM
I feel very contrite that you are profligating with time. One should assiduously respect time and opportunity given.
# # Anonymous May 30, 2007 5:14 PM
I think I am going to need a dictionary moving forward.
# # Anonymous May 30, 2007 9:45 PM
(On the street of Paris)
Tony: What's your name?
She: Allie. And yours?
Tony: Tony.
She: Nice meeting you, Tony.
Tony: So, this is Paris heh?
She: Are you a tourist?
Tony: Yeah. I am touring for the world for 8 months.
She: Fascinating! Tell me more...
Tony: Alright. Write down your numbers and I will call you from my hotel.
(The End)
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 1:23 PM
Dear Tony,
When I was finally informed of your decision to embark on a reckless adventure overseas, I am forced to demur. Whoever supported you, directly or indirectly, must be desultory. Unassumingly, this so-called trip of yours may be deleterious to your own future. I want to disabuse the notion that such a reckless and conceited way of avoiding the reality of life could somehow be wholesome. If these words appear contrary to your present dictum, I remain diffident throughout; for not doing so I would be remiss.
# # Tony May 31, 2007 1:50 PM
You have to explain where you're coming from Anon. What would you have me do instead of venturing off around the world? And where you two months ago when I was trying to decide whether to do this?
Put down the thesaurus and give me some options.
# Anonymous May 31, 2007 2:02 PM
Anon is hilarious! Although the comments could not be described as diaphanous, it is certaily droll.
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 2:46 PM
Agree. Anon had the effrontery to edify Tony in ways of life. It needs not cast a dyspeptic view on your trips. Stay ebullient.
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 2:56 PM
This is great! I am learning new words every day.
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 3:00 PM
diaphanouseffronterydyspepticebullient-umm i like to look at the pictures
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 4:10 PM
My elegy is about preparation and preparedness; it urges you to be productive and fruitful. No wonder you only graduated from UCI with a Social Studies degree that leads to nowhere. You could have been doctors, lawyers, and school teachers like us. Pity. Do not dither through life like that any longer. Your cloying affection about a fanciful world is making me ill. Have a cogent conviction about life-choices. Not having any structure in your own life is the same as condoning the air of procrastination. I could advocate using food to assuage your loneliness, but it only adulterates its purpose. And the picture looks banal..it’s for your own good, Tony.
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 6:59 PM
Dan! Tony's been singled out!!! Dude leave Tony alone. Don't make me come and do Shiatsu on your ass.
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 10:05 PM
Poor Tony.
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 10:14 PM
Tony: Some say that time is cyclical and that history inevitably repeats. Your will is your own. Don't bow to fate.
# # Anonymous May 31, 2007 11:02 PM
As harsh as it may sounded, Anon has a point. Are you going to boomerang back home and live with your parents when your 8 months of fun is over?
My Response:
Who the hell are you people? Anon's saying I should have studied harder to become a lawyer or doctor. I never wanted to be either of those things.
I ONLY graduated with a Social Studies degree? Bite me. You still haven't given me anything useful to chew on here. All I hear is someone scolding me for wanting to gain a different kind of education and for not conforming to your idea of a fruitful life.
Why would I be "boomeranging" back home after this trip? I didn't live at home before I went on this trip. I lived on my own. I worked. I worked and saved my money. If I was going to boomerang anywhere, it'd be back to work, making money and films. Ultimately, there will be no boomeranging. This is a launching point. My path is straight in front of me, no turning back. It may be a little foggy right now but I'll get to where I need to go.
...oh, and as for talking to people... I'm working on it. Baby steps. We're talking about 25 years of shyness here. You can't just shake that off in a month.

As I've mentioned before. I've been pretty bad with documenting the trip photographically. My apologies to those who hate to read. I've just finished uploading and captioning 300 photos from San Francisco to Paris to London to Edinburgh to Dublin to Krakow to Auschwitz to Prague to Amsterdam to Haarlem to Rotterdam to Colchester to London. Please be aware that I often snap photos as quickly as possible due to some sort of paranoia where I think looking anymore like a tourist somewhere will get me mugged.
I'm going to make more of an effort to take photos and even some video. Oh, the videos on YouTube happened to be extremely short because anything longer than 10 seconds creates a file too large to upload from an internet cafe, where I can't afford the time. So for now, you'll get more of me making stupid remarks from random places around the world.