I took a walk along the beach today. I had enough sun on my hike so no lying around for me. I came across this restaurant right on the sand called O Pollo. Thanks to Donovan, Joanna, and Taro of the UC Berkeley Device Group, I had me a nice dinner of gazpacho, fries, 1/2 Chicken, bread, and beverage. Hope you guys are discovering some amazing things to benefit this amazing planet. Send me some of them wafers... I need dessert.
What? You're English now? A couple trips to England suddenly turned you into English now? Who calls his mother "Mum"? And what the heck is with telling your own mother to do stuff for you in that tone of voice?
My blog had a tone of voice?
I pictured the tone to be more "gay like". As a matter of fact, I always use that gay tone and lisp when I read the blog. Damn I must have had it wrong.
what's the fuck are you talking about Charley? "gay like"?????????
did you read the comments idiot. the tone of voice for the blog you moron.
I hope you aren't a UCI grad too. Not to impressed with your grasp of the english language.
"too", yeah i caught it Tony
Man, I wish I had a big brother.