It was a bit sad to leave Granada. There was such a nice vibe there and the Rambutan Guesthouse was a peaceful place to just sit and reflect. It was another great city to get lost in, weaving through centuries old cobble-stoned streets.
I slept uncomfortably on the night train to Valencia. I made it here at 5am which was much too early to check into my hostel. I killed five hours walking around town. The sun was coming up and the street lights shut down as I rested my feet on random park benches. I would have slept in a park if there weren´t so many mosquitos hungry for me. I found my way to the beach but wished that the lounge chairs weren´t locked up. I actually fell asleep sitting with my head on my knees. I woke up and saw a Spanish lady staring at me, amused. I also kept seeing dudes who looked like they had finished a night of partying and decided to jump into the water nude.
After a sleepy metro ride back to the hostel, I slept in their common room for two hours in such a twisted position my internal organs feel like they´ve shifted.
I´ve just hopped on to the internet and I´ve been reading the comments section. I thought things were going to quiet down but everyone seems so passionate. I have to thank my friends and family for their kind words and thoughts. I got a little teary eyed here. I think food is in order to get my head back on straight. I spotted a horchata joint down the street. I think I´ll have a glass and mull over some of these things.
Hi Tony,
Rightfully, I owe you an apology. I am sorry I made you cried, man. But you’ve got to straighten up your life the right way. Look at you now, you don’t sleep well, don’t eat well; YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH IS FALLING APART!
Everyone is right, and your whole family is right. You need passion in life. But, I think you just channel your passion in the wrong direction. Think about it!!!
UC Irvine to honor graduates in 2007 commencement TODAY.
I think you are paralyzed by your past, and you are too afraid to confront them. Again, sorry I made you cried. Didn’t mean too, man. But really think about it, man. Remember, you grew and matured a lot because of UCI. Wasn’t it?
And Donovan, I am not calling because I am afraid of you. I just don't wanna start anything for Tony's sake. I still love you like a brother, Tony.
In another 10 years, are you going to be in the same situation you are in now: no girlfriend, no decent job, and no future? Please think about it.
That movie "40 years old virgin" was funny, but don't be like the movie. Don't be a "40 years old virgin".
Huon, get real. I wasn't crying. I was moved by my friends emails and words. I've found little use for the input that you and whoever Anon really is has shared.
I respect your opinions but I still can't figure out why it bugs you both so much that I'm living my life and you're living yours... differently.
I am crying now, man. Shit!
Damn, Tony, who are these people giving you a hard time?!?
Personally I think what you're doing is an adventure, NOT a waste of time. What a person learns from traveling the world, seeing amazing things, and meeting new people cannot be taught in a classroom. You know I speak from experience. Living in other countries changed my life and only made me a better person. (Not that I think you could get much better, but it can't hurt, haha.)
Basically I heart you, admire you, and wish I could do what you are doing. Who knows, maybe I will some day, in which case, prepare to have your brain picked!
Have fun!
Hi Tony,
Boohoo, I am crying again. Somebody holds me.
This is Ki. I am just messing with you, man. And I still love you like a brother, man. And Corrie sounds kinda nice. Wanna hook up, babe?
Critical guy. You must come to learn the english language and the use of plurals. Your writing is now becoming pathetic. It sounds as if your parents were very critical of your choices in life. I'm sure you will be a great parent one day. Oh, just because you can procreate doesn't make you a good parent. Your children will admire your lack of imagination and courage. Oh yes, you possess that courage that only a Dr. or Lawyer could possess. That's the same courage you had when you took the MCAT, huh? I doubt it. That's not very impressive anymore. If you aren't a surgeon or a cupreme court judge, I think you have wasted your time and money. Now I'm sure that Tony doesn't hold any debt from college. Do you? If so, my have you failed.
And yes I give surgeons respect but not family practice doctors. You might have bought a Dr. bag from Mattel. I'm convinced that you don't really have a relationship that you can brag about either. At least Tony's out there getting him some. Oh but a virgin Dr. has so much more going for him, right? Whatever.
Grow some balls and give me a call.
408-667-4636 but you are too afraid of me too, huh?
Don't worry I'm use to listening to people with a broken sense of the english language. Didn't UCI teach you nothin'. If I remember correctly you were the guys with the greasy hair stuck in front of your computers. By the way, not going out to the parties and finding women. Try meeting someone without a computer. And that is embarrassing to see that you are trying to pick someone up on a blog. That's pathetic.
lol @ video
Videos are great - they show everything. It's easy to hide behind txt or blogs... it's hard to show your face or your name.
> request for hot Spanish girl picture <
hehe, my brother said cupreme court. Sounds like a drink at Starbucks.
I'll hunt for a Spanish cutie but truthfully, haven't run across them in Valencia so much.
Hey Tony!
What's up with all this blog drama??? I was just planning on dropping a quick note to say hello and tell you that I'm SO jealous you're getting free tapas with your drinks and that you got lost in beautiful Sevilla. Damn, I love Spain! Now you know what we meant when we would rave about it so much! :-)
I also wanted you to know that I think taking this "trip" is one of the best decisions ANYONE could ever make. You are doing what many people only dream of. Experiencing the world...breathing in so many different cultures...finding out just how refreshing and unbelievably freeing it can feel to travel on your own. All I can tell you is to cherish it, my friend. You deserve every minute of it.
Plus, you're in freakin' Spain--that ROCKS!
Take care of yourself...we look forward to hearing more about your travels. -Erica
ps. Did you try a "tinto de verano" yet? It's a bit of a girly drink, but so yummy! :-)