Visited La Alhambra this morning. Pretty amazing. I'm finding that I'm on some sort of palace and garden kick lately. I wandered around alone so I got the audio tour to figure out what I was actually looking at. Below is a YouTube video to give you a taste of what my days are like, visiting cultural sites. Not terribly exciting but beats workin´ in my office. Tonight, I'm hopping a night train to Valencia. Tomorrow, paella. ::drool::
Hi Tony again,
I think you just don’t get it, Tony. I meant a month of vacation, I can understand; but a year of wasted time, it is a little lavish. Here is a challenge for you: why don’t you try giving it a year time to prep for the MCAT? You just don’t have it in you, and you don’t get it. I am sure your parents are very disappointed about you, too.
Please don’t tell me that you graduated with a social studies degree with a 2.0 grade point average!
You need a new bevy of friends who can positively influence your study habit.
Critical Guy,
One of the problems with this world is that we all think that everyone in the world should be like us. You studied, became a doctor and are doing great work for the benefit of mankind. I sincerely salute you.
But I ask this question: Do you listen to music, go to movies, read books? If so, then you need to accept that there are people in the world with different intelligences and dedication to their crafts. You need to accept that the value of their accomplishment will not be measured by the same standard with which yours is measured.
Hemmingway toured Europe, particularly France and Spain, fighting in the Spanish civil war, for several years. Out of that came some of the great literature of the 20th century.
I doubt that Hemmingway, Mozart, Van Gough, Monet, Tenneson, Shelley, Keats, Maya Angelou, etc. could be doctors or lawyers. But our world would be so much dimmer without them and countless others. Tony said it in an earlier post: this is his post-grad education for his chosen path. Let's not berate him because you wouldn't or can't choose this path. I would never spend 7 years becoming a doctor, but I respect the accomplishment and the work that is done by most.
We should value the differences instead of being critical of others who do something different. His choice does not belittle yours; you should not be critical of his.
Now, can we stop all this. "Can't we all just get along?" Rodney King
Tony censors my comments now. So I'm just going to say @#$K you.
Now more pictures of women. Money coming for beer.
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Hi John & Faisal,
Even though we never met, I feel we should the record straight. Tony, me, and the whole gangs used to live in the same hall, Shadowfax; so, I love Tony like a brother. And I am not belittling him or berating him. And I don’t think that Hoang was belittling him or berating him either. I certainly did not read his posts that way. Like Hoang, I am just questioning Tony’s sanity for doing what he is doing (which is, wasting his time). And isn’t that what a real friend should do: trying to warn him of the potential pitfalls. I will try to explain more below.
John you wrote about “Hemmingway, Mozart, Van Gough, Monet, Tenneson, Shelley, Keats, Maya Angelou, etc.” First off, we all know that none of us will ever like them. And Tony will never be like them. Agree?
So why do we even bother to compare ourselves to them? It makes no sense. Think about it for a second, and you will agree that I am right.
Faisal, you committed the ultimate cardinal sin of writing: that is, using big words to impress everyone but you used them all out of context. Look at your paragraphs again and you will see exactly where the grammar errors are.
Finally, like Hoang I am not belittling or berating Tony. I am just trying to get some sense into him. Think about it: he has no girlfriend, no decent job…people our age (29 years old) are already charting their next chapter in their lives with wives and kids.
Last but not least, are you going to help Tony pay off his debts (since you claim you are so good to him now!) when his debts come piling up? No!
...and speaking of curse words. Hoang never cursed. And I don't remember using any curse words myself. It's you all that throwing inflammatory remarks around. Read back into the posts and you will agree.
And Tony, are you telling me that you never actually reconsider the consequences what might actually happened when your trip is over?
Critical guy! Stop being critical. Focus on your own fucking life. Tony will be fine. He's doing fine on this trip and he'll be fine when it's over. Geezbus.
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Hi Critical Guy,
I think you just don't get it. I mean, your own life, I can understand; but being such a downer about someone else's excellent adventure, it is pretty lame. Here is a challenge for you: think out of the box. You just don't have it in you, and you don't get it. I am sure your parents are of the same poor, institutionalized, mediocre mindset, too.
Please don't tell me you think a year in school is worth more than a year abroad. That is truly myopic and... haha ... LAME. Get a grip.
You need a new view on life my man. Study habit is not the issue in question. It's passion. Passion brings you to the next level. Passion guides you. Passion picks you up when you fall down.
Critical jerk, you may have read these things in your schooling but obviously it never hit the spot. That's okay.
I'm sure that Mozart, Shelley, Keats, Monet and others were put down also for their beliefs and actions. But where would we be now. Also who are you to say what a person is and what their potential is. I'm confused behind your rhetoric. Have you ever paid his bills? Do you have a stake in his debt? Well I do and have done. Also I like to swear you dumb shit. I think it is colorful and more people understand what I mean when I say fuck you.
So no I don't think you are a friend just because you stayed in the same dorm. A friend supports one another. That's why you don't have real friends but colleagues you idiot.
Charley his brother and financial supporter. Grow some balls and do something original rather than being a follower. Oh, you aren't a surgeon! Get back to school and become a real Dr.
let me do critical-mf b4 i go on tour