How I Conquered Sevilla, Thanks Gia & Bill!
0 Comments Published by Tony on Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 7:49 AM.

Gia, Bill, I hope you are doing well. I got a little lost in Sevilla yesterday, which I've been doing just about everytime I go out here, and decided to stop into a little restaurant for a Tortilla Sevilla which is basically a potato omelet type thing. I ordered a bowl of gazpacho (cold tomato based soup) to start. I didn't imagine it was going to be such a big bowl. And then my combo plate came out. The tortilla was large but it also came with a side of other potatoes smothered in sauces as well as a breaded chicken Viceroy. An insane amount of food. Half way through it I thought about asking for a box but I knew that wasn't going to go well with the bar man who didn't seem to speak English. So I plowed on through it.
I kept thinking that this was going to fuel my walk to the cathedral (I made it today, see below) but what it did was put me into a well deserved siesta the rest of the afternoon. Thanks again for contributing to I'll see you in Vegas next year!
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