I've been bummin' around England for the last week. I checked out the Telectroscope, a crazy art piece that allowed me to see my friends at the Brooklyn bridge from London's Tower bridge in real time. It's hard to describe but basically think of someone setting up an elaborate video conference without voice capabilities. The hype was big enough that NBC in New York shot some footage of me in London from Brooklyn while the local British news shot some footage of me waving to my friends in Brooklyn from London.
As with New York, I've been trying to save cash and to enjoy the company of old friends. I've been continuing my crusade to assist people with tasks around the house including computer repairs, hanging curtains, varnishing floors, hanging mirrors, and repairing electrical switches. In return, they feed me.
Things haven't been as cheery as I would have liked here but what can you expect, it's rainy old England. I have no idea what my next move is but I'll keep you posted every now and then. You never know where I'll pop up.
Labels: England
i remember when you assembled my target furniture. you are quite good at it. too bad you are away or else you could help me set up my new future bed...maybe i shall wait for your return =). i still owe you a drink and you owe me some stories.