I'm in Tampa Airport. The plane I was on had to go in for maintenance so I'm delayed here for a bit. But they've got wifi. Lucky you.
I've been thinking about identity today. On the road, I was a TRAVELER or more appropriately, a TOURIST. Since my return, I feel like I've lost my identity. My role in life has become unclear. Traveling through different countries, I'd meet people from all over the place. It didn't really matter what they did. Foremost, they were just plain and simply people. CITIZENS of EARTH. What we did for work was secondary.
Back in the States, being unemployed has left me feeling like I have no label. I didn't realize how much that can mess with your brain until people I've been meeting started to ask me what I do. I had no real answer. I'd say, "I was a PRODUCTION ASSISTANT for the past five years". But now, I'm just a consumer I guess. Without some sort of label to impress people, you don't feel like you have a lot of self-worth. While traveling and sharing the adventures on the blog, I was someone interesting and admired. People would tell their friends about me. It starts to feed the ego maybe. When it all abruptly comes to an end, you quickly lose this sensation. What am I now?
[since I never really finished this blog at the airport, it's been a few days since this topic swished around my brain...] I've come to believe that I'm in transition. I was this. I did that. And soon, I'll be doing something new and different. For the moment, I'm still on holiday. Taking a break. Most people think I've been gone for more than a year when I'd only been out there for about ten months. So you know what, I'm going to take the full year off.
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