One year ago today, I boarded a flight from San Francisco to Paris, beginning my trip around the globe. Thanks to President Bush's bonus check in the mail, I'm going to begin my "Economic Stimulus Tour" across the country to commemorate my journey. Some possible destinations may include North Carolina, New York, Florida, and Texas.
I've continued to have a really rough time back here in America. I had looked forward to certain things upon my return that haven't panned out. My mood has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, leaving me sick to the stomach. Speaking of belly troubles, I've watched my weight quickly return to what it was when I left. And somehow, the fat has decided to congregate in the most unattractive places on my body. I've been paying closer attention to the kinds of processed and fatty foods Americans shovel into their mouths. But I haven't made the effort to stop eating the junk food myself. Eating healthy just plain costs more in this country.
I've also struggled with my identity. Everyone wants to know what's next, where am I working, where am I living? Without a job, it's hard to present yourself as someone with purpose. Even I grow uneasy when it feels like I'm just bumming around the house. But I'm building momentum. Gaining support. I'm in the business of fulfilling dreams, starting with my own.
There will be more to come.
When in doubt, listen to our friend Tyler Durden:
"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet."
etc etc etc
At least, that got me through six years of being a PA at Disney ...
(okay, four and a half, really, the flick was released after I'd been there for sixteen months ...)
It's been 10 months since I moved back to Canada. I still haven't sorted through all the "stuff" that I left behind. I am still living in the guest room at my mom's place. I still don't have a permanent job. I still don't feel like I belong anywhere.
And I feel like running away...
Some days (like today) it bothers me.. other days I realize that I can go anywhere, do anything. I am free. And that is a fantastic thing.