Thanks Shilpa! Three Day Thira Crush
1 Comments Published by Tony on Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 5:16 AM.

As you requested, I went to have stuffed tomatoes in Santorini my second night there. I went to a restaurant in Fira town and had a nice little seat to myself (slightly depressing). I started with a beef soup and a stuffed potato which were pretty good. While I ate, a cat kept wandering around the restaurant. They're everywhere on the islands. This couple at the next table kept calling to it, "Bella! Bella!" Finally, it came up and took a nap on the chair next to them. Pretty cute I guess, if you're into animals and junk. A little while later, these two women sat at the table in front of me. There was a blond facing me and a brunette with her back to me. I could hear them speaking English but I couldn't make out what they were saying as music was starting to play at a lounge downstairs. Slowly, I could feel a crush developing on this blond. I scanned fingers for wedding rings (none) and did my best to figure out if they had boyfriends back home. I was so attracted to her I ate my food slowly (so not me) and even ordered an espresso (totally not me). At one point she smiled right at me and I smiled back (hopefully a real smile and not one of my 'blank' smiles). This totally made me nervous. I thought about making a sign and holding it up saying "Room for dessert?" But I couldn't figure out a move. But that smile, I was completely enamored. So much so, my brain started cranking out weird storylines to romantic comedies. Inspiration, what else could I want? To talk to her I guess.
But I relented to my shyness, shot my free ouzo and paid the bill (with your money). Later I wandered around the Fira strip doing lots of people watching. I really enjoyed this because there were so many different people wandering around curiously following dance music coming from different clubs. While I was walking around, I passed the two girls from the restaurant. Again, me and the blond exchanged smiles and a 'hi'. I was freaking out at this point. I tried to work up some courage in case I found them again. And I did! They were sitting in a bar. I stood outside and tried to figure out a move. I decided I'd slide right up next to her and order a drink, maybe refresh theirs if they needed. As I was about to walk in, they walked right out in front of me. I was stunned, like I was caught or something. They didn't see me though and I hung back for a bit.
Finally, after consulting with Azad online, I found them at a cafe and just walked up and sat down next to them. Turns out they're from Michigan. The blond, better looking up close. The cafe was closing though and practically booted us out so I walked them back to their hotel room where they had the most incredible view of the moon over the caldera. It was so quiet and peaceful. I chatted with the blond while her friend was inside on the phone. I kind of gathered that they were not single but I was having such a nice time hanging out with some attractive girls rather than staring at the moon by myself. Finally, I took off as it was getting super late.
The next morning I went back to their hotel and left a note inviting them to dinner. In the evening I met up with them at a beautiful and romantic place called Sphinx. Wonderful views and scrumptious food. I had pasta with prawns and we shared a really good Greek moussaka (eggplant, minced meat, potatoes, yumness!) They went to bed early, I said goodbye, and went to for a long walk with my ipod.
My last night there, I spotted down on the street as I ate alone at a restaurant in Fira town. And that was my 3-day Santorini crush.
Now check out this Red Beach:
Wow! That's gorgeous...