Thanks Willy! Athina Sandwiches
0 Comments Published by Tony on Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 5:08 AM.

Willy man! You must be having a wild time with fatherhood and your cute new daughter. In Athens, I used to stop by this bakery on the way to the metro. I'd get a fresh squeezed orange juice (perfect on a hot Athens morning) and these grubbin' little turkey sandwiches on fresh bread. They reminded me of sandwiches mom used to make. You know how great it is when your parents make you food. Moms, they give you a bit of dressing, some fresh lettuce, tomato, and a nice portion of meat. Served up on a plate even. The best food has a little love in it. Someday your daughter's going to be eating a delicious meal and thinking of her parents. Maybe she'll be in a far off place like Greece or Korea. Crazy! Parenthood's a whole other journey man. Have fun changing diapers! I can't wait to meet Audrey in person.
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