I've been bummin' around England for the last week. I checked out the Telectroscope, a crazy art piece that allowed me to see my friends at the Brooklyn bridge from London's Tower bridge in real time. It's hard to describe but basically think of someone setting up an elaborate video conference without voice capabilities. The hype was big enough that NBC in New York shot some footage of me in London from Brooklyn while the local British news shot some footage of me waving to my friends in Brooklyn from London.
As with New York, I've been trying to save cash and to enjoy the company of old friends. I've been continuing my crusade to assist people with tasks around the house including computer repairs, hanging curtains, varnishing floors, hanging mirrors, and repairing electrical switches. In return, they feed me.
Things haven't been as cheery as I would have liked here but what can you expect, it's rainy old England. I have no idea what my next move is but I'll keep you posted every now and then. You never know where I'll pop up.
Labels: England

I'm in England! And my head is about to explode. (That's not necessarily a bad thing)
Labels: England

I've been having a good time in New York despite the rainy weather. I've been to NYC quite a few times so I've seen most of the sights, been to a bunch of museums, checked out a handful of shows. This time around, I came to see some old friends. I've been excited and inspired hearing about what everyone's up to. Now if only I could stop spending so much money (on food)...

I'm in Brooklyn. It's raining. And I'm optimistic. It should be a nice few days in NY, catching up with friends and jumping on the subway in search of cheap eats.
Last night my bus from LaGuardia {what a nice journey, she was from Brazil} dropped me off in Harlem. I realized that I was a little fearful walking to the 6 train- laptop in my backpack, my five day supply of clothing in a tiny duffel. It was odd to me, feeling fear while walking down an American street when I'd recently wandered the streets of Cairo, Havana, and Moscow at night with no qualms. I have remember to be fearless, wherever I am.
I spent a few days in Nags Head, North Carolina. I stayed in a three story beach house in the outer banks. I'd never been in a house with nine bathrooms. It was a massive place with a view of the raging Atlantic Ocean crashing on the shore across the street. Our buddy Vance slow-roasted a whole pig in the backyard, basted with his family's secret sauce. It was an interesting beer fueled, testosterone raging, four days in NC. I wish I had been in better spirits to enjoy some spirits but I'm still on a personal journey of sorts. On to the fourth jet flight this week...

I was wandering around trails with my brother at Yosemite. While searching for the right routes, we hit huge patches of horse s#it. Another time we came upon a peaceful lake. And that... is life.
Portishead- The Rip