So I just read that there's a typhoon heading for the Shanghai area. Are these things following me now or what? Today we grabbed lunch at 'rbt' and discovered that they served "Whatever" on the menu. Everyone whipped out their cameras. I actually ordered the Whatever. A large even. There's a photo of it in the Picasa album. It tasted like whatever.
I'm trying to take it a bit easy today. Took in some nice drum and bell performances at the Drum and Bell towers. They played instruments I'd never even seen before. Around town, people seem to lie down in on sidewalks to take afternoon naps. They don't look homeless, just really really tired. Like this writing. :yawn:
Tomorrow we're heading out to see the Terracotta Warriors. Right now, I need to go find food and to get out of this coffee shop where everyone keeps staring at me.
Labels: China
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