Woke up to a rainy day today. Took a leisurely walk to the local bakery for some delicious jelly rolls and seeded buns. Then I headed to Tian'anmen Square where I was roaming around all by my lonesome. But by a stroke of luck, half of my tour group was standing right behind me taking the same photos. Tonight we're going to try to check out the night market where things like scorpions and snake are served up to order. Blech.
Hello tony,
Your intellectual skills, which were fostered by literary pursuit, are quickly being corroded by electronic media. The increase reliance on electronic media is destroying your ability to build up powerful memory and extemporaneous eloquence.
The way I see it, Tony either can move in with his brother Charles or temporarily lives with his mother while looking for a job because he is going to be flat-broke after the trip. In psychology, recidivism is commonplace. Because Tony has not realized that his purposeless trip is deemed a bad-habit, he is going to repeat the very same mistake he is making now. Evidently, tony is oblivious to a simple fact that he is committing an act of recidivism.
I agree with Tony that it is not enough to have dreams as itt is the mad pursuit of them that count in the end. However, he openly acknowledged that he has NO PLAN. Many times, he is insisting to the fact that he does not know why he is taking this trip. Now, it is okay to do that while you are still 20-22; but, when you are already 30’s and you are doing what teenagers and college-students are doing, then it becomes an act of stupidity. Someone earlier mentioned an act of recidivism and I want to add on to it by saying that it is also an act of stupidity. It is just plain stupid.
Good point: in the end, nobody is going to care whether you have traveled the world or have seen the many Wonders of the world. It’s about whether you are able to support yourself and your family with a stable and meaningful job.
Tony, you are little men clinging to little jobs.
Tony, if you think your career-track is in dire straits now; just wait until you come back from this trip because it will finally hit you that you have made a grave mistake. (And “I told you so” will become a manifestation of truth to you).
Seriously, who are you people?
It doesn't matter because Dr. Hoang Nguyen is going to give him a whopping $10,000. So Tony you have really been paid to travel. So keep it up it helps all of the other dullards reading your blog interested in something they can't do. Oh, and I didn't know you were thirty yet? I guess if you are in your twenties it's okay to travel. These anonymous folks must hate it that they can't go off and do something adventurous and leave their comforts to explore. But then again they can catch it all on the travel and history channels. By the way thanks for the pictures of all the naked women!!
Anonymous, you must have some serious man love for Tony. You are so concerned with him and what he is going to do. Don't you think you are acting like a jealous boyfriend. So concerned with him that you actually spent 30 minutes on here commenting. Uh, get a life! That's fucking pathetic.
Anonymous, you must have some serious man love for Tony. You are so concerned with him and what he is going to do. Don't you think you are acting like a jealous boyfriend. So concerned with him that you actually spent 30 minutes on here commenting. Uh, get a life! That's fucking pathetic.