Last night I had a wild dream where I was hanging out by a lake with some friends. It's a bit fuzzy now but a buddy from high school named Bjorn (he must have been lifeguarding or something) asked me if I was going to fly. At first I told him that I didn't want other people to know that I could fly. Moments later, I couldn't help it and I just took off straight up into the sky. I used to have similar flying dreams in the past. I kind of place my arms to my side with my hands bent outwards. There's this sensation of energy propelling me upwards. I can actually feel the g-forces. It's liberating and so incredibly real. The freaky part of last night's dream was landing. I would either drop quickly into the water (where I was able to breath under it as well) or I would stop myself just before I reached the surface and kind of maneuver around in the air. I had to write about it because it's been so long since I've had this lucid sort of dreaming where I obviously was aware that my ability to fly was amazing so I tried to enjoy the power as much as I could before waking up in a strange room in Venice, Italy.
Today, I took a walk to the Doges Palace in St. Marks Square. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love palaces. I really feel like I'm walking in another time. It blows my mind to walk through these grandly decorated rooms where people of wealth and power lived and functioned. In the afternoon I walked around a part of town where the Biennale is going on (a modern art festival held on odd numbered years) and got lost on the Lido island, trying to figure out where the Venice Film Fest is held. Never found the theaters. Guess I'll just have to enter it someday.
I'm going to cut another random YouTube video covering Venice. Post it in a few hours.
Labels: Italy
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