I set out to Testaccio last night to try San Remo's pizza. Lonely Planet pits Rome's San Remo pizzeria against Naples' Da Michele. Anthonette and tried to visit San Remo a few times but it was never open. I finally tried their margarita pizza last night and it was decent enough. I preferred a crispier Roman pizza we had at San Calisto (mis-named in the video) in Trastevere. All of these pizzas are cooked in a wood fired oven and their crusted are slightly blackened. The doughier Naples crust ends up tasting like a tortilla that you've heated on a grill. The Roman crust at San Remos was similar to those burnt edges of the thinner side of an English muffin that you've thrown in a toaster (you know what I'm saying, you know how when you split a Thomas' Eng. Muffin and one side is smaller and always toasts darker than the thicker side...)
Anyhow, I walked from Testaccio to Trastevere for gelato. I stopped in at one where a cute girl works the scoop. I swear she recognized me when I walked in. You know, that kind of recognition you give to someone attractive that you never thought you'd see again (come on, it's my trip, my fantasy). The gelato seemed a little soft, like the freezer unit wasn't working right. So I bought a water barely whispered grazi and ran out of there like a wuss. I wanted to have gelato at La Fonta della Salute anyhow, it came recommended. I had watermelon and coconut. I finished it before passing by my girl's place again. I shot a glance through the window and she spotted me. So of course I stopped, went in, and married her. Nope, I kept walking.
Somewhere along the way I got crazy lost. I think I crossed the river four times, back and forth. I was near the Vatican, then near the Trevi Fountain, then near Piazza Popolo where I heard crazy music and saw flashing lights. There, I discovered a modern dance show which included images projected on water, a woman swimming in a big bowl of water, and just like at the colosseum, women hanging from cables. Rome, this town likes it's crazy dance spectacles.
Well, thanks Adam for the support and for letting your wife hang out in Rome with me. Sorry I couldn't send back some of the cuisine.
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