I've been spending the week in Los Angeles and amazingly, I've managed to go six days without spending much money. Thanks to the generosity of friends like Noah, Tristan, Nina, Amy, Manash, and Rich. I often feel guilty for having to 'mooch' off of friends but it's good to remember that we all have moments in life where we need a hand. Call it karma, paying it forward, whatever, but I think it's important to try to return the favor somehow. I've been keeping a positive attitude amidst the continuous news about unemployment, collapsing economies, and the rise of this and the fall of that. We'll get through this by making some sacrifices and looking out for one another. A couple of my friends are working on upcoming projects that I'd like to share with you. If you feel moved in some way, perhaps you'll make a donation.
Valentina and her Ayoka Productions are heading to Columbia to produce a documentary about Luis Soriano, who is spreading knowledge to the people of impoverished villages, by delivering donated books on the back of a donkey! Read more about it at Ayoka Productions.
My friend Nedda is participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Washington, D.C. Every 3 minutes someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer kills nearly 41,000 people a year - that means 1 every 13 minutes. A woman in the U.S. has a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. Support Nedda in reaching her goal of raising $2,000 for this two-day walk. She's already half way there.
Update: Engineers for a Sustainable World is an organization that my friend and Iceland travel buddy Regina is very passionate about (she's also one of the founders). ESW is a national, non-profit organization that aims to build an engaged technical community with the vision of changing the world through engineering education, innovation, and practical action. Read more about their efforts towards sustainability, renewable energy, and engineering education at the ESW website. All donations will be matched until March 31!
Thanks everybody!
Valentina and her Ayoka Productions are heading to Columbia to produce a documentary about Luis Soriano, who is spreading knowledge to the people of impoverished villages, by delivering donated books on the back of a donkey! Read more about it at Ayoka Productions.
My friend Nedda is participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Washington, D.C. Every 3 minutes someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer kills nearly 41,000 people a year - that means 1 every 13 minutes. A woman in the U.S. has a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. Support Nedda in reaching her goal of raising $2,000 for this two-day walk. She's already half way there.
Update: Engineers for a Sustainable World is an organization that my friend and Iceland travel buddy Regina is very passionate about (she's also one of the founders). ESW is a national, non-profit organization that aims to build an engaged technical community with the vision of changing the world through engineering education, innovation, and practical action. Read more about their efforts towards sustainability, renewable energy, and engineering education at the ESW website. All donations will be matched until March 31!
Thanks everybody!

I'm back in California after a month long stay in Washington, D.C. I'd gone out to New York and D.C. to visit some of my east coast friends, attend Barack Obama's inauguration, and to wait for word on a job opportunity. I had a nice time hanging out with friends I don't get to see very often, got really lucky and scored tickets to the inauguration, and made my first visit to Baltimore. (Thanks for showing me around Danny)
The job opportunity didn't pan out so I'm joining the 11 million unemployed Americans trying to sniff out work wherever it is. The big trip left me with an enormous amount of debt and I've had some tough days, reflecting on my decision to leave my job in 2007 to discover some of the planet's incredible sights and experiences. There are days when I feel blessed and amazed that I was able to do it. But more recently, there are many days where I wonder if it was a mistake or perhaps bad timing. It's certainly a life experience which will reveal its benefits in hindsight. Right now, the panic over paying my bills is quickly overshadowing the nostalgia.
On my solo journey to places unknown, I embraced being lost. That unknown made me fearless and full of curiousity, hunger, and adventure. Back home, I'm lost again but now I'm full of anxiety, hopelessness, and worry. Home is where one is meant to feel safe. I do not feel safe. I feel dependent. I'm thankful for friends and family who have housed and fed me but my stupid pride makes every couch more uncomfortable and every bite less palatable.
But I'll swallow it. I'll swallow my pride and ride this low out like the rest of the world during these grim times. I just hope you'll forgive my ever-glum mood and humor me as I continue to ask to crash on your couches while I wander around the country, looking for work and my independence.