This morning I got up really early to head out to the AJ Hackett Nevis Highwire Bungy jump over a gorge near Queenstown. I've never really been too interested in bungy but seeing as it was practically born here in New Zealand, I decided to give it a try. Funny thing was, I wasn't at all nervous about it. I just hadn't experienced anything similar to jumping 400 feet off of something. It wasn't until they'd strapped the leg harnesses on that I started to wonder what I got myself into. Moments later, they attached the bungy cord and it was on. A bunch of tiny baby steps (as my legs were buckled together) and one giant leap for new kinds of experiences. I cut my expletive out of the video for the benefit of the children (and my mom's ears) but it's that first moment that the ground comes rushing towards you that you realize you may have gotten in over your head. If you're able to watch the YouTube video, you'll see the view from the camera I held in my hand (just for my YouTube fans) and footage shot by the AJ Hackett people.
Later in the afternoon, I did the Canyon Swing where you're taken to a platform about 100m above a river, dropped 60m, and swing 150kph through a 200m arc. My jump choice was the "Elvis" where I was hung facing the sky and dropped upside down. Pretty wild.
I was supposed to head off to Milford Sound tomorrow but the stupid Kiwi bus is booked up on Tuesday which means I need to rush back to Christchurch tomorrow. Argh! Milford's supposed to be beautiful but I'll be as happy as I can with the wonderful sights I've taken in on the South Island. Wednesday I fly up to Taupo to start a new tour of the east of the North Island. Lots of Maori cultural experiences are in store for me. And perhaps some surfing!
Labels: New Zealand, Videos
Dude! It looks like you die in that last video!
Which was better - the bungee jump or the canyon swing?
I'd definitely say the Nevis bungy jump all the way. Never felt anything like it.
I'll keep that in mind.. although I think I am more of the skydiving type. I loved that footage!
You don't know how hard it is to read all this exciting stuff that you are up to in NZ and have my NZ teaching certificate get approved on Friday... and I am in a great job in Canada. Arghhh!