With the hot weather in Australia, you get billions of bush flies. These things have been the worst part of visiting sights outside of the cities. From the Blue Mountains near Sydney to stops all along the Great Ocean Road in the south, these flies love tourists. If you stand still, hundreds gather on your back. They fly in your face, eyes, ears, whatever is exposed. On my tour, at least three people have accidentally eaten flies while we've taken in sights like the 12 Apostles. I realized that the flies are such a nuisance that no one sticks around the lookout points for very long. In a sense, they've become a bit of a crowd control tool. People run in, snap their photos, and run back to the tour buses. Anyway, I could keep ranting but I'll just show you some video.
One word for ya: Eww.
Though very amusing even with the sound off.
That's why they tried to import all those toads... and that didn't work out so well for them.