You get that question frequently as you travel. The best compliment I get is someone conversing with me in the local language because they think I'm from there. I've had quite a few people start telling me things in Hindi. When I tell them I'm from the US (in aggressive touristy areas I've started saying I'm from Toronto, Canada) they look at me strangely and say I look Japanese, Chinese, etc. The Indians can really spot my "Chino Eyes" (my Mexican friends throw that term at me, not the Indians). I have to explain my Vietnamese heritage and they nod with that "I thought so" expression. I swear, I should really just buy a local outfit wherever I am and I think I'd manage a little better, maybe avoid "tourist" prices.
I seriously need a haircut.
I've decided, there's no '5 second' rule in India.
It never stopped raining today so I played cards with some Canadians and listened to music on the balcony for a couple of hours. I took a nap and had a dream where Jack Nicholson played a part. Weird. I sat and had Nepali style chicken at the Rainbow Cafe (run by six dudes from Nepal) while watching the clouds roll into the valley, making everything disappear. Crazy Himalayan mountains man. It's nice to feel cold in India.
Labels: India
Well, that's a persuasive title too. Based from the book-title, however, it seems you are wasting a lot of time imagining about what you would do with cute and pretty girls. If you desire cute and pretty, they will flock to you when you have a solid and successful career. Something for you to think about.
Tony, Are you going to take advice from a guy that visits your blog each day because he doesn't have a woman to cuddle up to either?
Hoang, you ignorance is diplayed more and more each time you try and add to the comments section.
You must be bitter because the MD after your name didn't get you laid or a nice pretty woman. Maybe you shouldn't give out advice before you get laid first. To be a Dr. and a virgin contradicts all of your advice. Maybe you should go back to the mainland and get yourself a hooker, because you aren't getting any pretty girls in the US. Hey, I know maybe you should go back to dating men. I hear men like wanna be Doctors.
Good luck with the downlow brothers.
This is so much fun,
Adding my resume to my username makes my advice more trustworthy. It also lets others know I mean business. Great idea! Why didn't I think of this before?
Coming to see yourself as an adult, accepting responsiblity, and developing pride in your skills are difficult but time-tested therapeutic techniques.
You obviously have not learned your lessons. And based from the carelessness that your silly friends have bestowed upon you, you will always be stuck where you are without any sense of direction in life.
Hoang, you getting laid yet? I didn't think so. Keep on trying buddy. I'm sure some poor hooker might want you.
Looks like Tony isn't stuck at all. He's traveling the world all while you are stuck at your computer. Hoang, think before you preach. You are obviously getting more idiotic with each comment. I think his sense of direction took him around the world, while you sit there alone in the dark at a computer screen wishing you could have done something so adventurous. Oh, I forgot Mommy and Daddy didn't love you.
Oh you crazy kids.