My friend Dan in England told me to look out for tasty Indonesian food while I was in Amsterdam, particularly the Rijsttafel or rice table. As soon as I got into Amsterdam from Prague, I was starving. I found a place called Restaurant Selecta listed in my I Amsterdam guide so I peeped it out. Thankfully, Paul N. helped a brother out and got the check for one of my meals which happened to be the best meal I had in Amsterdam. The traditional rijsttafel at Selecta features soup, spring roll, egg, chicken skewer, fried banana, pickled vegetables, braised beef, pork, veggies in coconut milk, green beans, tofu and veggies in peanut sauce, fried chicken, rice, and roasted coconut and peanuts. A substantial meal for one person.
Afterwards, I happened across the Heineken Brewery. I had a few bucks left over so I relaxed and enjoyed the Heineken Experience. Wish you could have been there Paul. Let me know if you're ever on this side of the planet again. I've got the next round.
Labels: Food, Netherlands, Videos
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