Published by Tony
on Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 7:56 AM.

Pooping abroad has been a real concern of mine. I don't want people to get the impression that I don't eat. I eat plenty and my body metabolizes the food pretty well. So well that I can have a nice healthy bowel movement sometimes three times a day. But I've got issues about bathrooms. I love my bathroom at home because I keep it very clean with Clorox wipes and toilet bowl cleaner. At work, we've got those nifty seat covers and a cleaning staff that tidy up the joint a couple times a day.
When I'm traveling through Asia though, my fear is that I'm going to eat something strange and have to deal with
squat toilets. I've read travel forums about these things and in some cases you're left with nothing to wipe except for your hand and a hose. Good times.
Pooping around the world is going to be a freeing experience. I've always admired my friends who have no shame in their bodily functions. I mean we all have to poop! It's as natural as breathing. For now. I will savor every moment on my private throne in Glendale.
Labels: Toilets
ooh, scary toilets! My friend took a train, or I think it was a train, through thailand and when they had to poop they had to squat over this hole and let it go while the train was moving. basically the poo went through the hole and directly onto the tracks.
Ive pee-ed in a loo just like that in France. I had to run out the cubicle with me knickers flying as the whole floor flooded when it flushed!! ha ha good luck! dont forget your wet wipes! ;)
Angela would die!!